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Below are some answers to questions most asked by our guests.

How do I book?
Follow our website links to the booking area on the specific vessel page.

What do I bring?
We recommend planning for the Florida weather - think of a day at the beach! Most guests bring comfortable clothing and a change in case they decide to get into the ocean. Usually, shorts, sandals, and a hat and/or sunglasses work well.

Do I need a passport?
Unless your trip is passing through international waters into another country (like the Bahamas) you do not need your passport.
Our team will help inform you of necessary documents if needed for your trip.

What if I need to cancel?
Cancellation is handled by our booking partner, - All cancellations are subject to the terms & conditions of

Who is the captain?
We have various professional captains who are part of our Florida crew. For specifics on captains, you can visit the "About Us" area or ask during your booking processes.

How can I see more information about the boat?
All information about our vessel fleet can be found on the "Our Fleet" page.

What happens during inclement weather?
In the event of inclement weather (It is Florida after all).... [TO BE CONTINUED]

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